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Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) 2023

SURE has been developed for all undergraduates participating in Chemistry and BioChemistry research over the summer. Sessions will include workshops on grant writing for undergraduate and graduate fellowships, developing scientific presentations, planning for futures in industry, health and graduate school, and research presentations by participants.

The kickoff meeting for 2023 is Monday, May 15, at 10:00 am.

Detailed Schedule of Events

Professional Development includes: Detailed schedule with date and time coming soon.

Week 1Welcome and Orientation – Safety and Ethics and any mandatory trainings 
Week 2Scientific Literacy – Searching Database – Creating an account
Week 3Scientific Literacy – Scifinder and Sci Write (Intro!) and PARTY this week!
Week 4Mindfulness
Week 5The wonders of Chemdraw and Endnote
Week 6How to lead and create a Presentations/Poster
Week 7Yes! you can do it and Elevator Pitch
Week 8Graduate Panel
Week 9Creating Strong Resumes and Personal Statements
Week 10Poster Presentation


For more information contact SURE coordinators:

Dr. Shainaz Landge

Office: Chemistry & Nursing Bldg. Rm. 3213
Phone: (912) 478-1883

Dr. Ria Ramoutar

Office: Chemistry & Nursing Bldg. Rm. 2212
Phone: (912) 478-5055

Last updated: 3/9/2023