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Science and Agriculture

Module Summary
Emphasizing important molecular and environmental science applications in agriculture can make these topics more relatable for rural high school students. Regardless of student demographic, though, agriculture is the source of food for all students and is therefore applicable to their daily lives. The activities in this module seek to encourage inquiry based learning about how scientific advances continue to lead to agricultural practices that allow the Earth’s human population to reach levels that would be otherwise impossible. Activities also explore how this ever growing human population affects Earth’s ecosystems and how the health of these ecosystems affect the number of people who can survive on our planet. Activities inform and encourage discussion of the balance that must be maintained between advancement and conservation while introducing topics
such as non-point source pollution, Genetically Modified Organisms, and biomagnification of agricultural chemicals.

Grade Levels

Module Materials (view or download)
Carrying Capacity and Human Impacts
Effects of Agriculture on the Environment
Bio magnification and Food Webs
Aquatic Non-point Source Pollution and Environmental Policy

Module Activity Overview Estimated Class Time
Carrying Capacity and Human Impacts 1 (45 min) class
Effects of Agriculture on the Environment 1 (45 min) class
Bio magnification and Food Webs 1 (45 min) class
Aquatic Non-point Source Pollution and Environmental Policy 1 (45 min) class

Last updated: 3/10/2015