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Physical Evidence at a Crime Scene

Module Summary
This physical evidence module will teach students how to analyze evidence that can be found at a crime scene. This module is based off one of the most important principles for forensic science the Locard Exchange Principle that states that there is always cross transfer of evidence between suspect and victim. Students start with an activity that teaches how to properly use a microscope for specimen analysis. The second class period students will examine important hair structures in human and animal hair under a microscope. In the next lesson students will burn several different common fibers to examine the different burn patterns among the fibers. Students will then learn the proper techniques for dusting and lifting fingerprints from common items such as aluminum cans and paper. The last lab will allow students to create and examine differences between

medium and high-velocity impact blood splatters.

Grade Levels

Module Materials (view or download)
Hair Structure
Fiber Burn Lab
Dusting for Prints
Blood Splatter

Module Activity Overview Estimated Class Time
Microscopes 1 (45 min) class
Hair Structure 1 (45 min) class
Fiber Burn Lab 1 (45 min) class
Dusting for Prints 1 (45 min) class
Blood Splatter 1 (45 min) class

Last updated: 6/16/2015