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Virtual Labs: DNA Extraction, Gel Electrophoresis, Polymerase Chain Reaction and Cloning

Activity Summary
Hands-on labs teaching students about biotechnology can be expensive and tedious for teachers to prepare. Virtual labs give teachers an inexpensive way to teach students about multiple scientific topics. In this set of activities students will learn about DNA extraction, gel electrophoresis, PCR and cloning through online interactive virtual labs.

Grade Levels

Learning Objectives
1. Explain the correct procedure for extracting DNA and why each step is important
2. Explain how gel electrophoresis works
3. Correctly analyze an agarose gel
4. Explain how polymerase chain reaction works and why it is necessary
5. Define cloning

Lesson Materials
Lesson Plans

DNA, science and technology, gel electrophoresis, cloning

Last updated: 3/2/2015